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Honoring Fr. Floyd with Handmade Hats

Fr. Floyd Lotito served St. Anthony’s for nearly 40 years as the director of various programs before he passed away in 2009. Those who worked with Fr. Floyd remember him as a tireless champion of the poor and homeless in San Francisco and a dear friend to staff and to our guests. This Tuesday, Fr. Floyd’s sister Mae Vivian came to St. Anthony’s to pass out handmade wool caps to our guests during the senior service hour. An inscription was sewn inside each cap, reading either “Warmth from Bro. Floyd” or “Fr. Floyd Lotito: July 28, 1934–July 14, 2009.” The caps were knit with care by Mae and her cousin Anna Lorenz, and will surely do much to keep our guests warm in the San Francisco fog. Thank you, Mae, for honoring the memory of Fr. Floyd with this act of generosity! 

In photo: Don Rostagno and Mae Vivian with special knit caps

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