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Basic Computer Skills Graduation & Recognizing A Faithful Volunteer

This past Thursday, April 22nd, the Tenderloin Tech Lab took some time to recognize all of the hard work and effort that our long time volunteer has provided to our program. Ann Lacosse has been co-teaching the always popular Basic Computer Skills course for over an entire year.

This class begins with the basics, beginning with parts of a computer as well as how to turn on a computer. The three week course goes on to teach proper typing techniques, word processing, and navigating Windows. Ann has shown a tremendous amount of patience in teaching while also challenging existing teaching techniques and styles to more improved methods that better suit the different learning preferences each student has.

On Thursday morning in a coordinated effort, staff recognized Ann for all the help she has provided while simultaneously congratulating a full classroom of students who graduated the course. What better way to celebrate both occurrences than with cookies?

Thank you Ann and congrats to our recent graduates.

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