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Day 30: Our Commitment to Community Continues On

dsc_0446-jpg-_for_day_30_720Every volunteer that walks through our doors has a story about who they are and why they choose to serve at St. Anthony’s. This month, we were fortunate to be able to sit down with a handful of our incredibly dedicated volunteers to hear about their experiences and involvement with our organization.

There are many reasons that people start volunteering at St. Anthony’s, but remarkably, they all stayed because of one thing: our community.

It was exhilarating to hear this! And frankly we agree—we are so grateful for our community of volunteers, guests, donors, and staff. Each person who comes through our doors helps to create an environment in which all people are treated with dignity and respect. We come together as brothers and sisters to not only enjoy a hot meal, but also exchange smiles, share stories, and support one another.

Thank you to all who help make our community possible.

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