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Unsung Heroes

The line for lunch at St. Anthony Dining Room begins gathering an hour or two before we open. Every ten feet along the line, there’s a person in a St. Anthony jacket or tee shirt: Client Safety Services. Their job is to regulate the flow of the line. They welcome guests. They share information about services the guests can find, both within St. Anthony’s and through other agencies. They also diffuse any conflict that may be growing among hungry people with various problems and varying social skills. Marginalized people don’t always know how to manage emotions and misunderstandings.

Most of the time, you’d never know that conflict had anything to do with their work. CSS staff pass the time with the people on their part of the line, reviewing sports events and comparing players. They learn people’s names quickly and ask the guests, by name, how they are. As I’ve passed by on my way to the office, I’ve heard guests talking to CSS staff about their health and their job searches, their families and their spirits. All while the staff person keeps on eye on the line. People have actually told me that they eat at St. Anthony’s because our CSS staff are so respectful.

CSS employees usually arrive with a background in security. At St. Anthony’s they get training in de-escalation. Monthly updates prepare them to talk with guests about changes in services and upcoming events. Some CSS people also work at shelters and other services; they are committed to low-income people. Treating guests with dignity and respect is part of their mission, too.

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