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Tuesday 11-16: National Day of Action on Unemployment Benefits!

Congress returns to work this week, and they need to hear from us!  Federal unemployment benefits are scheduled to end on November 30, 2010,  unless Congress acts now to continue the program through 2011.  If unemployment benefits are allowed to expire, 2 million people will lose benefits in December 2010 (including 225,000 Californians) and millions more will lose benefits in 2011.

Why are unemployment benefits still necessary?

The economy has been improving, but unemployed people are still struggling.  The national employment rate is 9.6%.  California’s uneployment rate is even higher than the national average, at 12.2%.  Nationwide, there is currently only one available job for every five unemployed workers.   Unemployed Americans are looking for work, but our labor market remains extremely tight, and unemployment benefits are the only lifeline available to these families until the economy improves.

Here at St. Anthony’s, we’ve seen a steady increase in people using our Tenderloin Technology Lab to find employment, and we’ve seen an increase in the number of seniors, families, and recently unemployed people in need of free meals, free clothing, or groceries from our food pantry.  We are happy to serve those in need, but we are also committed to speaking out to our lawmakers to tell them about the importance of maintaining our social safety net so that millions of Americans don’t needlessly fall into deep poverty during these difficult economic times.

Now is not the time to abandon unemployed Americans.

Tomorrow, November 16, 2010 is the national day of action on unemployment benefits.  Congress needs to hear from you!

The National Employment Law Project has a toll free number for people to call their Senators (California’s Senators are Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein) on Tuesday November 16.  The number is: 1-866-606-1189.   You can be connected automatically through their website, here.

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