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That “…thing with feathers!”

“Hope”…what does it mean? The treasured American poet, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), described hope as “…the thing with feathers—that perches in the soul…” Hope can mean so many things. This week here at work, I experienced hope in the transformation of one of our volunteer groups who arrived green from rural Colorado at the beginning of the week and who had become full-on family by Wednesday! And it’s not unusual to witness and accompany this expansion of community, not here at St. Anthony’s anyway. The good intentions of those who come to serve—(whether as individuals or in groups) are needed and appreciated, but the joy of connecting that folks nearly always report gives my heart wings! What I “mean” by this is the alchemy that seems to happen when folks come together here—staff, volunteers, clients, guests, benefactors, neighbors…and everyone, regardless of role—feels served. That is such a liberating feeling! And I love seeing it rise in the joyful expression (and words, often) that people share once they really engage.

I often ask our group and individual volunteers if they solved the big issues…like world peace, or poverty for example. I get that look…like “say what?!!” Then I add… “Did it stop you from making a difference for the better for someone?” No puzzled expression now, but a serious one with “No. It didn’t stop me.” My final question: “Did today make a difference for you?” The smiles light up: “Yes!” This exchange, this relationship, this restoration of connection always fills me with hope. And I think I know what Emily meant as I feel the heart take wing!

As our world seems more and more fraught with discord and difficulty, a day here at St. Anthony’s in the Tenderloin reminds me that hopeful change is not only possible, it is happening in the midst of staggering odds, and it is irrepressible so long as we continue to be with one another. “Ain’t no stoppin’ us now, baby!”

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