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St. Anthony Medical Clinic Facilitates Free Mammograms at Avon Breast care Center at SFGH

SAMC patient navigator assists a patient with breast health information

The St. Anthony Medical Clinic Breast Health Program ensures access to potentially life-saving preventive and diagnostic services for uninsured, low-income and homeless women. Although only in its pilot year, by providing screening for so many women who lack other resources, we feel we have already been successful.

It is fundamental to our approach that each of our patients not only get the screenings they need, but that they also feel comfortable and experience a minimum of anxiety while going through the process. To this end we work to create a welcoming environment with multilingual patient navigators who help guide patients through the initial intake form, and by providing a nutritious breakfast for patients to enjoy while they wait.

Recently, Faten, one of our patient navigators and outreach coordinators, interviewed our patient Hakima about her experience having a mammogram at Avon last week.

Faten:  How was your experience having your mammogram ?
Hakima: I was very satisfied with the service and comfortable, especially when they provided breakfast, juice and coffee, that was helpful. Everyone was friendly and cooperative.
Faten: Would you have been able to get the mammogram without our resources?
Hakima: No, I wouldn’t be able because it’s very expensive and I wouldn’t have been able to afford it.  
Faten: Is there anything you would like the clinic to change or add to improve the service?
Hakima: No, the service was great.
Rooted in the success of our other chronic care programs, SAMC’s Breast Health Program represents a committment to all women’s health, regardless of their economic status.
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