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Clinic Partners with EatSF to Fight Disease with Healthy Food

eatsf_blogpic_2Diabetes is devastatingly common among low-income and homeless populations of San Francisco. Each week, our Medical Clinic provides many diabetic children and parents with the nutrition education and supplemental resources that they need to manage their condition.

EatSF, a free fruit and vegetable voucher program, encourages our patients to eat nutritiously and to take control of their health and diabetes. With EatSF vouchers in hand, low-income patients can access healthy food at local vendors.

How has the EatSF food vouchers program helped? “It’s helped me a lot! Now I’m able to eat more vegetables than before. Also, my blood glucose levels have improved. When I get low blood glucose levels, I eat fruit to help me bring it up to a healthy level,” said one EatSF voucher recipient.

See how else our Medical Clinic supports low-income and homeless San Franciscans.

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