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A World of Thanks to Priya G.

We say farewell to a premier league volunteer

July 25, 2023

Priya Gupta has given over 900 hours of service to the community over the course of nine years of regular volunteering. Sadly, Priya will be moving to London in a few weeks, and we sat down to learn a little more about who she is.

Long-time volunteer, Priya Gupta, is relocating to London

Priya was born in London to Kenyan parents, and her grandparents hail from India, giving her a diverse and culturally rich heritage. This upbringing instilled in her the values of community and “Ubuntu,” the belief that we are all interconnected. Nine years ago, she relocated to San Francisco with her husband, where they tied the knot at City Hall. They are proud parents of a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl.

Upon arriving in San Francisco in 2014, Priya was deeply moved by the glaring issue of homelessness, which highlighted the prevalent inequality. Motivated to make a difference and gain deeper insight, she searched online for ways to serve, and discovered St. Anthony’s as the first result. Initially joining the Free Clothing Program, she soon transitioned to the Dining Room, even when it operated across the street due to ongoing construction.

“The compassion and warmth exuded by the volunteers and staff, along with the sense of community fostered among the guests, captivated me,” she said.

She became deeply committed, making regular visits, and the volunteers even celebrated her pregnancies with a lovely baby shower!

What resonates with Priya about St. Anthony’s is our embodiment of community in action, and our recognition of the shared humanity in everyone. She feels seen, and aims to extend that same acknowledgment to others. She has come to know our guests, their preferences, and their stories. Every week, she eagerly races to St. Anthony’s, offering compliments, words of support, and a sense of stability in a challenging and uncertain world.

Priya eagerly anticipates reuniting with her loved ones in London, embracing the familial connections and support network that her children will grow up with, mirroring the upbringing she cherished.

“Returning to London is exciting, with its vibrant energy, cultural diversity, and culinary delights. The long summer nights hold a special allure, offering extended moments to revel in all the city offers,” she said.

The piece of advice Priya most wants to share with the community as she departs is to continue being curious, learning, and asking yourself, “Who am I being in this moment, and how do I want to show up?”

On behalf of everyone in our community, thanks for everything, Priya!

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